A Prayer for March


The theme that the Lord gave us for 2021 is “Flourish!” and we want to live into that call in the upcoming year. We have spent a year that felt diminished, and dry, and desolate – but we want to walk in faith for ourselves, for Accessible Hope as an entity, and for the people with disabilities that we serve around the world that we were created to FLOURISH! To bear fruit. To be and give life. Join us this year in these monthly prayers, as we explore the idea of flourishing in the Bible. And let us know how we can pray for you as well!

So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

1 Corinthians 3:7

Gracious Father, giver of life, you desire that each person, created in your image, knows you and has a relationship with you. You breathe life into each person, giving him or her value and purpose. We pause to let the truth of that reality wash over us, and we are humbled. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for being the source of life. Thank you for bringing about growth in our lives. Thank you for relationship, with others, and with you. We praise you for the opportunity to hear the message of your deep love for us, and the ability we have to be fed by your Word. Grow in us the desire to know you and cultivate a deeper relationship with you. Cause us to bear good fruit that shows forth the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Lord, while we easily have access to this truth, there are many in this world who do not. Fill our hearts with compassion for those who do not know you, and for those whose access to you is hindered by the brokenness of this world and the lack of disciple-makers. Use us to spread the message of your grace, your freedom, your love, and the transformation found in a relationship with you to those who are abused, broken, affected by disabilities, homeless, or in bondage. Let us be agents of your grace to all those we come in contact with today. In the name of Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life. Amen.