Disaster in Sierra Leone! Urgent Help Needed!



Due to excessive rainfall and flooding, we have had a significant loss of property in Sierra Leone. We need your help to raise $22,000 to repair these damages!

Accessible Hope owns and operates the Shalom Retreat Centre (SRC) in Makeni, Sierra Leone. This centre houses our team when we travel there, but also provides respite and retreat for other missionaries and Kingdom workers. The funds generated from the SRC are funneled back into the ministry to assist in providing services for the women. 

This past week has seen extreme amounts of rainfall in Sierra Leone. Last week, the underground walls of the septic system collapsed and sewage flooded the back of the property. While we were still working to address that issue, additional heavy rain during the night caused the back wall of the compound to collapse into the swamp behind the property. The rest of the back wall is also badly damaged and will collapse soon.

The lack of a wall around the property puts the facility and the property within at risk of theft and vandalism, and the open septic is a health risk to our staff and others. It also renders the entire retreat centre unusable.

The repair work is going to be extremely complex given the amount of rain, the swamp encroaching onto the property, and the existing plumbing lines. Heavy retaining walls need to be built to anchor the wall during times of heavy rains. Finding a suitable location for a new septic (or possibly two) in the remaining areas of the compound is going to be a challenge and likely require rerouting plumbing lines which are encased in concrete. 

These are obviously discouraging and unexpected expenses for the ministry during this already challenging year. Any amount you can give toward this repair will be a huge help, and greatly appreciated!

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