What's New at AHI: What About the Banquet??

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Did you miss one of the previous announcements?

Click the links to read Part 1Part 2, and Part 3.

This has been a question that everyone in the nonprofit world is asking during COVID! What do we do about our events? Our banquet is not just a fundraising dinner, it is a celebration of what God is doing around the world through your investment, and a time to cast vision for what He is inviting us into. So, we have spent hours crafting a new model, one that we are REALLY excited to share with you!

We are calling our new banquet model – Luke 14 Feasts. In Luke 14, Jesus tells a parable to a group of men that he was having dinner with calling them out for only communing with wealthy people. His parable revealed that those who society had cast aside – specifically those with disabilities – must be invited to our communal feasts. They must be given a seat at the table.

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So, this year, and moving forward, we will be hosting annual Luke 14 Feasts. These will be small dinner parties, which can be held in homes or even online, where people will eat together and participate in a video program, similar to what would be presented at our banquets. There will be opportunity to hear testimonies of transformation, both from people with disabilities whose lives have been changed, and from church and community leaders whose hearts have been changed as they begin to live out the mandate in Luke 14 – to give people with disabilities a seat at the table. The great part is that now, ANYONE who is part of the larger Accessible Hope Team, not just those in the Memphis-area, will be able to participate! 

Mark your calendars now for this year’s Luke 14 Feast event. It will be October 3, 2020. More information will be coming shortly, but plan to block out your evening, and think of friends you can invite to the event. We would love if each person receiving this email would plan to attend, and would think of 3-4 additional people to invite, who may not know about the ministry of AHI.

We are currently looking for sponsors to cover the costs of this event, so that it can be free to everyone who comes. Click the button below to become a sponsor.